CCG Publishing is the publishing arm for Christian Churches of God. Our aim is to increase the level for biblical education to all nations and tongues. We strive to present only the most well researched, historically accurate information pertaining to the faith as established by the Messiah and the apostles. We produce written works as well as electronic media to aid individuals in their studies. CCG material is usually provided free via the web. We provide a publishing service for other important materials concerning the historical Sabbath-keeping faith which are not able to be provided on our web sites or which are in demand and exceed the web standards for publication. We also provide CD and other material types to save download time and this has a charge. We also provide a service to our national congregations for Hymns, Calendars and other CCG focus material. The profits are used to assist in the translations and for providing web documents to other nations via electronic and print media. If you have any questions you can contact the CCG Secretary and your questions will be answered. If there are any problems with this site please contact the webmaster. To browse our PRODUCTS just click the link. As a religious organization, the work that is performed by CCG is paid for by tithes and donations made by its friends and members. These donations are tax deductible in some countries. CCG has no paid ministry and all tithes and donations go toward preaching the gospel to the world in various languages. If you would like to make a donation to CCG to help fund the work please click the link below. We take great measures to ensure that the donations go toward bringing the gospel to those who may not have been able to receive it otherwise. Our goal is to preach the gospel to all nations in their own languages. We thank you very much for your assistance. |
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